IRA Schedule
Gr 5: 1/13, 1/24, 2/4, 2/18, 2/28
Gr 5: 1/13, 1/24, 2/4, 2/18, 2/28
Gr 4: 1/16, 1/28, 2/7, 2/21, 3/4
Gr 3: 1/21, 1/31, 2/13, 2/25, 3/7
Gr 2: 1/14, 1/27, 2/6, 2/20, 3/3
Gr 1: 1/17, 1/30, 2/11, 2/24, 3/6
Kinder: 1/23, 2/3, 2/14, 2/27, 3/10
Substitute Teacher Information---> Click HERE
A+ Program
The A+ program being offered for this school year by Kama'aina Kids. For more information, click HERE. We are hiring Group Leaders & Aides. For more information regarding employment, contact
Mrs. Manibog at (808)-241-3155.
Hawaii Keiki Health Hotline
Medical emergency please call 911
Lead In Water Information --> HERE
Important Information
Meal Payments:
You can now check your child’s school meal account balance online, as well as make credit/debit card payments at:
You may also submit payments at the school office. Make checks payable to DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
Your child must have funds in their account before purchasing meals or milk.
When making any cash payments for your child to the school (meals, bus, t-shirts, etc.) please have the exact amount, place the cash in an envelope, labeled with your child’s name and what the payment is for.